In April 1879 the team arrived to the town of Dunhuang, the first precise cartographic survey of which, based on astronomical localization, was a result of this expedition as well. They visited the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas, described by Lóczy and Kreitner in their reports, and recognized the high artistic level of these works. In addition, they distinguished the unique stylistic features of the local Buddhist representations, and called attention to the many dangers menacing these monuments due to their insufficient custody, dilettantish restoration and repainting, religious intolerance, attacks of predatory bands and the fact that believers also use the caves as living quarters. The expedition played a decisive role in attracting Aurel Stein to Dunhuang, unaware of the incredible treasures waiting for him. He recollects: “Already in 1902 my friend Professor Lóczy, the distinguished head of the Hungarian Geological Survey and President of the Geographical Society of Hungary, had directed my attention to the sacred Buddhist grottoes, known as the ‘Caves of the Thousand Buddhas’ or Ch’ien-fo-tung, to the south-east of Tun-huang. As member of Count Széchenyi’s expedition and thus as pioneer of modern geographical exploration in Kan-su, he had visited them as early as 1879. I had been greatly impressed by his glowing description of the fine fresco paintings and stucco sculptures which he had seen there, and the close connection with early Indian art which he thought to have recognised in some of them without himself being an antiquarian student. It had, in fact, been a main cause inducing me to extend the plans of my expedition so far eastwards into China.” In 1909, in his lecture read at the Hungarian Geographical Society he emphasized that “[…] I was encouraged by the fact that there, in the innermost parts of Asia I entered a region, for the discovery of which a claim had been set up already three decades earlier by Hungarian scholarship, through the expedition of Count Széchenyi.”